The Plight of Plurkfood


Plurkfood began life quite a while ago, went like gangbusters for a while, and then just lost it’s heartbeat. It has been a long time since a recipe came in (Wow! One came in today!) It has also been a long time since we have pushed the site. I think there is a limit to how much personal aggrandizement one can do without becoming a spammer of sorts. Above all else in life, I despise the huge pointless egos and … Continue reading

Plurkiverse, the Web site


As many of you probably know, I own the domain name Plurkiverse and have published a Web site by that name. I bought the name and put the site up during a very short hiatus between blogging-for-dollars gigs (the tech blog site went broke!), when I was at loose ends. I loved Plurk immediately, the first time I laid eyes on it, and knew that I had to get involved in some way that was more than just being another … Continue reading

Musings, in General


In speaking with a friend last night, I wondered what sort of name I should give to posts that have little to do with business, or with ?talents?, or even with sites or services. More like the post titled 101 things about me, but generally more contemplative. I, the writer, was searching for a word, but the visual artist was the person who supplied it. The word was “Musings.” This then, is a meta-muse, or a muse about musing. A … Continue reading

Scribbling with purpose


I have alluded herein to being a writer. That has even brought comments, suggestions, and the idea (freely given by a wonderful person) that I use this blog as a vehicle to push my writing career along. So here is yet another post about writing, which may or may not be more interesting or better written than my previous post, that about having too many blue denim shirts. 🙂 Although I consider myself, now, to be a writer of fiction, … Continue reading

Those damned shirts


I was just at my uploads page on Youtube, where these videos blogs actually live, and I noticed thereon what I had previously noticed in real life. Sometimes it appears as if I wear the same shirt several days in a row. Yeah, I’m a guy, but I’m not that much of a guy. I own more than seven shirts, and I wash at least every seventh day, so you need not think that I am just selecting my least … Continue reading

101 things about me


There was a rage a while ago to reveal, 6, or 10, or 15 things about oneself. I am nothing if not an over-achiever, and nothing if not random. Therefore, what follows are 101 random things about moi, in no particular order, primarily without context, and in very little order of any kind.  There are updates, by the numbers, at the bottom. Thanks for asking, though. 🙂 . 1. I am the only member of the Frawgish race. 2. I … Continue reading

A True Techie No More


Just after university, I bought into a small construction company and helped to turn it into a larger one. As a part of that, I suggested that we start doing construction estimating for others as a way of maximizing winter revenue. We already had an IBM  mag-card typewriter in the office, and I had heard of computers, though I had never seen one. So I called IBM and leased a 360/20 mainframe, for which I had to build a special … Continue reading