Opening the books on another year

LaurasmallerMy goodness, another year begins! This one finds me in an excellent relationship, the vassal of the amazing Arnie the Cat, living in a beautiful home, replete with Caffè Mochas on the premises, and the marvelous LBRII (Little Blue Roadster II), plus so many benefits I could hardly mention them all. And I must mention that my health, despite multiple sclerosis, hypertension, horrid kidneys, borderline diabetes and so on, is pretty good and getting better. That’s good, since my direct male lineage has a tendency to live to be over 100, and I would hate to do so while physically miserable.

A special mention of the first item in the list above: Ms. Laura is without a doubt the best thing that ever happened to me. My life is better today than it has ever been and that is because of the partnership that we have built and the astonishing woman I stumbled across about six years ago and had the good sense to hang onto tightly.

May your year be as good as mine promises to be.

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About kdfrawg

... is a writer of books, blogs, bios, and software. Thirty years in the software business burned me out on programming languages so I'm working on proficiency in English. I term myself monolingually challenged. The good news is that novels don't have to compile. :)


Opening the books on another year — 1 Comment

  1. Awwwww…you sure did hang on tightly! Thank goodness! My life is better than it has ever been, as well. I am so lucky to be sharing my life and home with you…my funny, smart, happy-go-lucky, singing, cynical, caring, cooking (and more…) frawg! ((hugs)) And Arnie of course!!!

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