Vlogging help needed

vlog_thumbAs you have probably noticed, I started doing this video-blogging (vlogging) thing with every post. I really wanted to try it, and I really think that it can be an effective adjunctive tool to the written post. That is, if it’s well done, and I’m not sure at all that these are. They seem very rough to me. That may be be being self-critical, or they may simply suck. 🙂

So I’m looking for input. I’m trying to be very natural, so I am not over-thinking what I am going to say. Instead, I just start the application with the subject in my head, usually right after I have written the post, and start talking, trying to keep it under a minute.

So, am I rambling? Should I plan them better? Should I rehearse them? Should I hire a stunt double? I would really like some input here. I already know they are not very good so far, so you’re not going to hurt my feelings. These are never going to seem professional, because I am hardly a professional talker. Still, I would like them to be better, to more fully augment the written part of the post.

Talk to me, people…

Posted in ? Talents ? Tagged , permalink

About kdfrawg

... is a writer of books, blogs, bios, and software. Thirty years in the software business burned me out on programming languages so I'm working on proficiency in English. I term myself monolingually challenged. The good news is that novels don't have to compile. :)


Vlogging help needed — 12 Comments

  1. I like the idea of spontaneous ideas! No rehearsal, just say what’s on your mind at the time. Free association will generate a wealth of writing! Don’t get caught up in the “formalities”..

  2. Thanks, Susan. That’s is good feedback. As someone else just said on Plurk, maybe just more practice will make them better. That would be better than having to be “taped before a live studio audience.” 🙂

  3. Frawg, I love the vlogs! Maybe you could experiment by adding soft music in the background? Doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it relaxes you :))

  4. First, I’d like to say that I really admire you for getting in there and having a go at it. It’s something that I tried and gave up because I didn’t think that I was good enough.

    Thanks for inspiring me to try again. 🙂

    You present quite well, and your post has made me realize that it’s what we think about our selves that holds us back.

    What I’ve started doing is making a presentation in front of the mirror – about any topic – and getting used to talking even though I can’t see my audience.

    The topic is something that I pick at random, and don’t study up on.

    Another idea might be to team up with a buddy on skype, taking turns to coach and encourage each other, while giving yourselves the power to criticize too many umms ahhs and so on!

    Thanks for the inspiration.


  5. You’re right, Allan, especially in that it might not be as important to be “good” as it is to be “interesting,” which is what I see as your sub-text. I like the idea of random subject practice. I did that years ago at Junior Toastmasters at the “Y.” I think I may take this into the coffee shop crowd….


  6. I like the spontaneous nature of your Vlogs. They’re genuine, energetic, and real. They seem more natural to me than a lot of the things I see. Most importantly it’s *you* as you are. There isn’t enough of that, I think. I’m impressed.

  7. Thank you, reece. Maybe they are not as bad as I had first thought. I guess my head automatically said people wanted slick. And maybe not everyone does. 🙂

  8. I think you nailed it when you said: “I guess my head automatically said people wanted slick..”

    I think that “real” is more appreciated!

  9. I guess all of us, even those that know we don’t like it, see the slick that prevails in the media and forget that is is not necessarily good, just prevalent. Just because I want things to be good for readers/watchers, even *my* head went there, and I am the last to be taken in by someone elses “slick.”

    Maybe I should be asking you all to whack me over the head if my video content ever gets too glitzy and glib…

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